The Lawyer With 12 Children
A lawyer and his family are searching for a new home.
A lawyer named Harry had a wife and 12 children. His rental agreement was terminated by his landlord, who wanted to reoccupy the home, and so the family of fourteen needed to find a new home immediately.
But Harry was having a lot of difficulty. Whenever Harry mentioned his dozen children, nobody would lease him their house because the homeowners feared the children would wreck the place.
Harry couldn’t say he had no children, because he wouldn’t lie and we all know lawyers cannot and do not lie.
So one afternoon, Harry sent his wife for a walk to the cemetery with 11 of their children. He took the remaining kid with him to his appointment with a real estate agent for a showing of rental homes.
Harry loved one of the homes and the price was right. The agent asked, “How many children do you have?”
“Twelve,” Harry said.
The agent asked, “Where are the others?”
The lawyer, with his best sad look, answered: “They’re in the cemetery with their mother.”
Harry got the house.