When the Jones family moved into their new house, a visiting relative asked the five-year-old son how he liked the new place. “It’s terrific,” he said. “I have my own room, my…
When a Dad took his 4-year-old to the optometrist to pick up new glasses, the boy asked why he had to wear them. The doctor replied, “They’re to help you read and…
A little girl asked her mother for a dollar to give to an old lady in the park. Her mother was touched by the child’s kindness, and gave her the dollar. “There…
A teacher was telling the story of the Good Samaritan to her class of 4 & 5 year-olds. She was making it as vivid as possible to keep the children interested in…
A young boy, about six years old, knocked on his neighbor’s door and an old man answered. The boy said that something of his had found its way into the man’s garage,…
A six-year-old called his mother from his friend Charlie’s house and confessed he had broken a lamp when he threw a football in their living room. “But, Mom,” he said, brightening, “you…
A little boy came home from the playground with a bloody nose, black eye, and torn clothing. It was obvious he’d been in a bad fight and lost. While his father was…
After tucking their three-year-old child Sammy in for bed one night, his parents heard sobbing coming from his room. Rushing back in, they found him crying hysterically. He managed to tell them…
A father had promised his two young sons he would take them on a fishing trip. The boys were digging for fishing bait in their parents’ garden. Uncovering a many-legged creature, one…
One afternoon a woman came home to find two little girls on the steps of her building. Both were crying hard, shedding big tears. Thinking they might be hurt, she dropped her…
A little girl went up to her mother one day while holding her stomach saying, “Mommy, my stomach hurts.” Her mother replied, “that’s because it’s empty, you have to put something into…
The teenage son was having trouble mastering the fine points of balancing his new checking account. “The bank returned the check you wrote to the sporting goods store,” his mother said. “Oh…