The leaders of Coca-Cola go personally to the Vatican to make an offer to the Pope: “Your Holiness, we offer you 5 million dollars a month so that you change in the Our Father the phrase “give us today our bread daily” with “give us today our daily Coca-Cola”.

After a while, the Holy Father replies: “We cannot do that, my son…”

After a few months, they come back with a new proposal revised upwards: “Your Holiness, our firm offers you 300 million dollars a year if you change in the Our Father the phrase “give us this day our daily bread” by “give us today our daily Coca-Cola”.

After marking a time of rest, the Holy Father replies: “It is impossible, we cannot do that, my son…”

But the leaders of Coca-Cola insisted, obtained once again to be received and presented him with a new offer: “Your Holiness, our firm has decided to offer one and a half billion dollars a year to the Holy Church if you accept to change in the Our Father the phrase “Give us today our daily bread” by “give us today our daily Coca-Cola”.

After a time of reflection, the Holy Father turns to his secretary and asks: “When does our contract with the bakers end? »